jtyoui.data.wordNature 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time  : 2019/7/15  17:27
# @Author: jtyoui@qq.com
from jtyoui.file_zip import file_zip_path, sep

[文档]def word_nature(): """读取file_zip下的word_nature文件,返回词性字典""" p = file_zip_path + sep + 'word_nature.txt' cx = reader_conf(p) return cx
[文档]def reader_conf(path: str, encoding: str = 'UTF-8') -> dict: """读取配置文件 [capitalize] a b :param path: 配置文件路径 :param encoding: 文件编码 """ cx = {} with open(path, encoding=encoding)as fp: for data in fp: data = data.strip() if data.startswith('[') and data.endswith(']'): key = data[1:-1] cx.setdefault(key, []) elif (not data.startswith('#')) and data: cx[key].append(data) else: pass return cx
[文档]def save_conf(cx: dict, path: str, encoding='UTF-8'): """保存配置文件 :param cx: 保存的字典类型:{str:list} :param path: 保存的路径 :param encoding: 保存文件的编码 """ with open(path, 'w', encoding=encoding, newline='\n')as fp: for key, value in cx.items(): fp.write(f'[{key}]\n') if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for v in value: fp.write(v.strip() + '\n') else: raise TypeError('字典的值必须是列表或者元组类型')
if __name__ == '__main__': print(word_nature())