jtyoui.neuralNetwork.kerase.AnalyticalData 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time  : 2019/8/4 0:06
# @Author: jtyoui@qq.com
from collections import Counter
import pickle

[文档]def analysis_vocab(vocab_path, save_vocab_model_path, frequency=10): """根据已知文本统计词向量,取频率大于10的文字,词索引根据频率大小进行排序""" v = [] with open(file=vocab_path) as fp: for line in fp: data = line.strip().split('_') v.extend(data) c = Counter(v) f = filter(lambda x: x[1] >= frequency, c.items()) s = sorted(f, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # 填充是0、开始是1、结束是2、掩码是3、未知是UNK vocab = {'[PAD]': 0, '[UNK]': 1} for index, (k, _) in enumerate(iterable=s, start=len(vocab)): vocab[k] = index with open(file=save_vocab_model_path, mode='wb') as fp: pickle.dump(obj=vocab, file=fp)
[文档]def load_vocab(load_vocab_model_path): """加载模型""" with open(file=load_vocab_model_path, mode='rb') as fp: return pickle.load(file=fp)
[文档]def vocab_test(test_path, vocab, max_chunk_length): test, original = [], [] with open(test_path)as fp: for line in fp: line = line.strip().split('_') original.append(line) m = list(map(lambda x: vocab.get(x, vocab['[UNK]']), line)) if len(m) <= max_chunk_length: data = [vocab['[PAD]']] * (max_chunk_length - len(m)) + m else: data = m[:max_chunk_length] test.append(data) return test, original
[文档]def analysis_rational_len(train_or_dev_path, percent=0.9): """分析文本之间的长度分布,percent表示分布率""" length = [] with open(file=train_or_dev_path)as fp: for lines in fp: lines = lines.replace(' ', '_') length.append(lines.count('_') + 1) rational_len = min(length) while True: f = filter(lambda x: rational_len - x >= 0, length) t = tuple(f) if len(t) / len(length) >= percent: return rational_len else: rational_len += 1
[文档]def vocab_train_label(train_or_dev_path, vocab, tags, max_chunk_length): """将训练数据转为格式化 :param train_or_dev_path: 训练数据路径 :param vocab: 词向量 :param tags: 序列标签 :param max_chunk_length: 最大序列词语长度 :return: 训练格式和测试格式 """ trains, labels = [], [] with open(file=train_or_dev_path)as fp: for lines in fp: data, sequence = [], [] line = lines.strip().split(' ') ms = map(lambda x: (x[:-2].split('_'), x[-1]), line) for v, k in ms: data.extend(map(lambda x: vocab.get(x, vocab['[UNK]']), v)) if k != 'o': m = map(lambda x: tags[x], ['B-' + k] + [('I-' + k)] * (len(v) - 1)) else: m = [tags['O']] * len(v) sequence.extend(m) data_len = len(data) if data_len <= max_chunk_length: data = [vocab['[PAD]']] * (max_chunk_length - data_len) + data sequence = [-1] * (max_chunk_length - data_len) + sequence else: data = data[:max_chunk_length] sequence = sequence[:max_chunk_length] trains.append(data) labels.append(sequence) return trains, labels
[文档]def restore_format(crf_path, standard_path): f_write = open(standard_path, 'w', newline='\n') with open(crf_path, 'r', newline='\n') as fp: lines = fp.read().split('\n\n') for line in lines: if line == '': continue tokens = line.split('\n') features = [] tags = [] for token in tokens: feature_tag = token.split() features.append(feature_tag[0]) tags.append(feature_tag[-1]) samples = [] i = 0 while i < len(features): sample = [] if tags[i] == 'O': sample.append(features[i]) j = i + 1 while j < len(features) and tags[j] == 'O': sample.append(features[j]) j += 1 samples.append('_'.join(sample) + '/o') else: if tags[i][0] != 'B': print(tags[i][0] + ' error start') j = i + 1 else: sample.append(features[i]) j = i + 1 while j < len(features) and tags[j][0] == 'I' and tags[j][-1] == tags[i][-1]: sample.append(features[j]) j += 1 samples.append('_'.join(sample) + '/' + tags[i][-1]) i = j f_write.write(' '.join(samples) + '\n') f_write.close()
# if __name__ == '__main__': # analysis_vocab('./data/corpus.txt', './vocab.pkl') # tag = {'O': 0, 'B-a': 1, 'I-a': 2, 'B-b': 3, 'I-b': 4, 'B-c': 5, 'I-c': 6} # vocabs = load_vocab('vocab.pkl') # leg = analysis_rational_len('./data/train.txt', 0.95) # train, label = vocab_train_label('./data/train.txt', vocab=vocabs, tags=tag, max_chunk_length=leg)